
Weekend Review

Well, this weekend was quite productive, which I love. The weather was nice, which meant I could move some projects outside and work on those.

I felt like I got a lot done and enjoyed myself! Saturday I slept in, ran two miles, cleaned a little, watched a couple movies, did laundry... and my favorite thing? Facetimed with our friends Sarah and Steve in NI. I love them and miss them!! I wish I could hang out with them (and other friends over there) ALL THE TIME!

Sunday, I woke up earlier than I set my alarm for and was ready to go for the day. Colin was gone to a race when I woke up, so I finished the laundry and put it away, cleaned some more, and kept working on my projects. He came home, we ran 2 more miles, and once we got home, I kept working and it felt really good to get some things done.

I re-potted my aloe plant (It was/is out of control) and gave some away to friends.
I have about 20 grey pots from our wedding and knew one day I would repurpose and use them again. I spray painted 5 of them white and gave 'em away! Only 15 more to go :)
I didn't anticipate having SO much plant left over, so I repotted 5 other ones into the red and green pots. The big one is what I have in our room and the colored pots are the extra ones. Not sure what to do with them...
In the meantime, they are in the guest room on this plant holder thing I thrifted about 2 years ago. I used to have books on it. They won't be able to stay here, but not sure where to put them. We don't get a ton of light in this house, except in our room and we already have too many plants in there.
I also tried to paint a couple chairs with chalkpaint and that didn't really work, so I am still working on those.

I painted these owl trivets I found at a thrift store and will hang them somewhere. A mama owl and her 4 babies :)
I also painted these jars. I saw it on Pinterest and wanted to give it a try. I bought the paint samples like 3 years ago and have never used them.
They didn't turn out quite as good as I had hoped, but I am going to clean them up and see if I can make them work. This was more of a test run, since I have a ton of old glass that I got from the garage that I want to paint and maybe sell or give away.

I also hemmed a bunch of clothes, cooked, finished cleaning, talked to my friend Eve for a while, and some more stuff that I can't remember... it felt like a lot.

I was going to go to dinner with a family Colin and I know, but it was on Sunday evening. I SO wanted to go, but I knew this week is so busy at work with lots of meetings (which is draining for me) and I knew I needed to reserve my energy and stay in. It's hard to say no to fun things :(

And with the beautiful weather this weekend, it was totally rainy/snowy/overcast today. I am SO looking forward to warm and nice weather so that I can get many more projects done (I have so much furniture to paint!)

Weekends are never long enough!!

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