
It's All Making Sense

Jack was given a diagnosis today. Something unexpected and nothing we have ever heard before.


It's a serious bacterial infection that can effect any part of the body. Lungs are common. The worst is the Central Nervous System. It's predominantly caused by inhaling dirt and dust. Most people also have this bacteria in their mouth (like a lot of other bacteria). It gets serious when someone has a compromised immune system.

2 summers ago, my mom wanted part of her yard sodded. We brought in dirt and moved it around to even it all out. We didn't know at the time that Jack had Diabetes (which he did I think, just undiagnosed). So, he did have a compromised immune system. We finished with that in June or July (I can't remember). He started complaining of his back hurting.

Then it was localized to his hip. He lived with the pain for a few weeks (all around my mom's bday- August) went to a Chiropractor, and then eventually was hospitalized because it was so bad. He had an internal abscess right near his hip in the muscle that they diagnosed as Staph, but he didn't have any lesions or cuts. No one could figure out what had happened. They drained it, he went into septic shock, had to be rehabbed (all of that took about 3-4 months). He was also diagnosed with Diabetes at this time. He lost quite a bit of weight.

When he got home and was feeling better and had more energy and strength and before it got really cold, we seeded the front yard, which was even more dirt and more work. It took us a few days to move all of the dirt and plant the seeds.

So almost a year later- he gets Pneumonia. It doesn't get better. His Diabetes is not really under control (due to his body continually fighting an infection?) either. And here we are. With an infection that is caused by dirt. Who would ever have thought?

They are going to an infectious-disease doctor tomorrow morning. I am hoping it has not spread (that makes everything worse and the possible outcome worse). Hoping it is still just in his lungs. That he can be treated.

Treatment is long- strong and multiple anti-biotics over the course of months (6-12 or more). We're not sure what that will mean for his heart surgery. His valve issue could even be related to this infection. It's all very complicated and sad.

Waiting is hard. Knowing is hard too.

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