
Art Retreat

I am so excited! I signed up for my first art retreat (in April)- The Makerie. I am a bit nervous not knowing anyone and not having that much experience with art/photography, but I am more excited than anything. I signed up for this class and this class. One is about photography and one is about painting- awesome! I have also been thinking/planning for how to get all this art stuff going. I want to eventually have a booth at A Paris Street Market and was thinking that I would try to do one this summer, but Colin suggested taking the next year and a bit to get my products together and my business model going and I think that's a good idea. I have a lot of ideas for crafts and paintings and such and I'm not sure 3 months will be enough time. In the meantime I need to get some things done so I can open an etsy shop. So lots of things to do.

We've definitely settled down since the holidays. This was my first week back to work and it went pretty well I think. There could be some major changes in the next few months regarding our roles and job description and I hope what management is suggesting does not happen. I'm trying not to think and stress about it too much and just see what happens with it all. 

In the meantime, here are the paintings I made for my sister for Christmas. Not great pictures as it was 5 in the morning with no light. I'm hoping to start scanning my work soon.

A little Monkey Painting since she loves monkeys- Mama and baby Phoenix!

The other three are about 1 Corinthians 13- Faith, Hope, Love.


  1. I love that you have three blogs. We are so doing this together and I am so excited you get to go that retreat. I can't wait to hear more!
    PS the necklaces are great and the paintings turned out fab!
